Monday, November 4, 2013

Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle

Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle

Shock Sale Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle very cheapYou looking to find the "Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle" Good news! You can purchase Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle On Sale

Price: $868.00 $731.51   Updated Price for Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle now
Purchase Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle low price

Product Feature

  • Twin over Twin
  • Trundle Included
  • 100% Solid Pine
  • Complete slat kit included, no bunky board needed.

Product Description

Twin over Twin bunk bed. Chest is reversible. Magazine rack is included. Complete webbed slat kit included. No foundation required. Magazine rack included. Matching accessories sold separately.

Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle Review

We have a 2 year old and 4 year old. We bought this bunk bed because the staircase was safer for our children then a ladder. We knew that they should be older to sleep on the top so that is why we loved the trundle idea (or the magic bed as my son calls it). The trundle holds a mattress that is about 5 1/2 inches deep. We found a great memory foam mattress at Ikea that works perfect. We love that the trundle rolls away during the times that they want to play on the floor and have that floor space. The trundle is also great if the 2 year old rolls out of bed. He has a soft place to land.

I put almost the whole bed together by myself and my husband help with the heavy pieces. Very easy and directions were easy to follow. We had the whole bed together in under 2 hours.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle ...

Buy Merlot Twin Twin Staircase Bunk with Trundle Cheap

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