Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet

Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet

Shock Sale Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet very cheapYou looking to find the "Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet" Good news! You can purchase Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet On Sale

Price: $238.00    Updated Price for Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet now
Purchase Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet low price

Product Feature

  • 15.75"w by 12.5"d by 23.5"h, lacquered gold leaf end table cabinet w/top drawer
  • Oriental hidden hinges, brass hasp w/leaf pulls and lock pin, ring drawer pull
  • Oriental decoupage lining printed w/chinese characters
  • Hand painted asian lady in autumn japanese art motif

Product Description

Sturdy ming design bedside cabinet, featuring a top drawer and two lower doors. fine gold leaf appliquandamp;eacute; on the drawer and door fronts, hand painted with a colorful japanese lady art motif. doors close with an antiqued oriental hasp with leaf pulls and lock pin. perfect height for a lamp table next to a sofa or bed.

Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet Review

I have a fascination with just about anything that is oriental, especially if it is Japanese or Chinese. This piece portrays a Japanese Geisha and is made in China. Well the scene appears as though it really is had painted but it is no where near as bright as it appears to be in the Amazon layout. Very faint. The drawer is not made square. One side is noticeably and measurably longer than the other door and it takes quite an effort to close the drawer. So much for the myth that the Chinese/Oriental worker is a master craftsman.

Definitely not so. However, the piece arrived well package and intact and for the most part not marked or scarred. Some tiny chips but I took care of them cosmetically. All in all I am satisfied with this piece as it completes the theme of the style I chose for my bedroom. Satisfied albeit somewhat disappointed.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet ...

Buy Oriental Furniture Elegant Asian Nightstand, 23-Inch Ming Gold Leaf End Table Cabinet Cheap

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